#TrailsRoc Map Legend

#TrailsRoc Map Legend
Go to or follow current location
Browse a list of trails and parks available in the app. Select a park or trail in the list to zoom the map onto the selection. If a park has multiple trails mapped in the app, you can browse a list of trails in the park or tap the *Park Map* button to zoom the map onto the park. The list view also has a *Reset Map* button to return the map to its original position.
Shows notices about updated map data and park/trail news alerts. Access links to the #TrailsRoc home page, schedules for group runs and events, help pages for the #TrailsRoc app, and send feedback email.
Map display mode (standard/hybrid/satellite)
Park, or trail system

Tap to zoom, open website, or get directions

Small park or other area of interest

Tap to zoom, open website, or get directions


Tap to view trail length, zoom, open website, or get directions


Tap to view trail length, zoom, or open website


Tap to get directions


Tap to get directions


Tap to get directions

Sports fields/facilities, playgrounds, etc.
Boat launch

Tap to get directions

Scenic point
Trail marker/intersection
Other point of interest

Tap to zoom, open website, or get directions, when available

Menu options

When selecting a map icon:

Zoom: Zooms and repositions the map to show the entire park or trail

Reset Map: Returns the map to its original position

Open in Safari: Opens the website for the selected item in your browser

Get Directions: Opens the selected item in your maps app